
Mathias Payer

Mathias Payer

Purdue University

Mathias Payer is a security researcher and an assistant professor in computer science at Purdue university. His interests are related to system security, binary exploitation, user-space software-based fault isolation, binary translation/recompilation, and (application) virtualization. His research focuses on protecting applications even in the presence of vulnerabilities, with a focus on memory corruption. Before joining Purdue in 2014, he spent two years as PostDoc in Dawn Song's BitBlaze group at UC Berkeley. He graduated from ETH Zurich with a Dr. sc. ETH in 2012. The topic of his thesis is related to low-level binary translation and security. He analyzed different exploit techniques and wondered how we can enforce integrity for a subset of data (e.g., code pointers). All prototype implementations are open-source. In 2014, he started the b01lers Purdue CTF team.

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