
Christos Papadopoulos

Christos Papadopoulos

DHS Science and Technology Directorate

Christos Papadopoulos is a program manager in the Cyber Security Division at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T). At DHS S&T, his portfolio includes security for Cyber Physical Systems (CPSSEC). Prior to joining DHS S&T, Dr. Papadopoulos was a professor at Colorado State University and served as a principal investigator on research funded by DHS S&T and National Science Foundation. His research projects addressed Internet-wide security problems such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks and detecting evasive Internet bots. He worked on analyzing global Internet routing overseeing the BGPMon project and other Internet measurements. He also worked on future Internet architectures exploring Information-Centric Networking. He is a senior IEEE member and has served on numerous ACM and IEEE conference program committees. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Washington University in St. Louis, MO.

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