
David Atch

David Atch


David is a world-class cybersecurity expert with many years of real-world experience in malware analysis, threat hunting, and incident response. He has contributed multiple submissions to ICS-CERT including for zero-day vulnerabilities in commercial ICS devices [see: https://search.usa.gov/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&affiliate=us-cert-cs&query=atch&commit=Search] and tracking malware campaigns targeting critical infrastructure [see: https://ics-cert.us-cert.gov/Operation-BugDrop-CyberX-Discovers-Large-Scale-Cyber-Reconnaissance-Operation-Targeting-Ukrainian]. Prior to CyberX, David had a military career in the IDF where he led a team of programmers and reverse engineers who continuously hunted and mitigated complex cyber-intrusions targeting the country's critical national infrastructure. He has also received multiple awards for technological innovation. Most recently, David was invited to present at the SANS ICS Security Summit in March 2017. CyberX is a Boston-based industrial cybersecurity company founded in 2013 by IDF cyber experts.

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