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December 2-5, 2019
Excel London / United Kingdom


Sergio De Los Santos

Sergio De Los Santos

Telefónica Digital (ElevenPaths)

Sergio de los Santos is the Innovation and Labs Leader at ElevenPaths (Telefónica CyberSecurity Unit). From 2005 to 2013, he has worked as a Technical Consultor at Hispasec, where he was antifraud manager and responsible for the oldest security publication in Spanish.

Since 2000, he has worked as a Technical Auditor and Coordinator, written three books —one of them on the History of CyberSecurity and the remaining ones on Hacking and Windows Security. He has attended Black Hat and DEF CON conventions to speak about his researches. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer System Engineering and a master’s degree in Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence from the University of Málaga.

Since 2013, Microsoft has granted him the designation of Microsoft MVP Consumer Security. He is Lecturer in TIC Security at the University of Seville and Coordinator of the Master in Cybersecurity from the UCAM.

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