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August 3-8, 2019
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Émilio Gonzalez

Émilio Gonzalez


Émilio Gonzalez is an undergraduate student from Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS). He discovered a passion for cybersecurity two years ago, which lead him to break his promise of trying three different fields during his internships and instead taking only cybersecurity-related internships at the Canadian Cyber Incident Response Center (formerly CCIRC, now CCCS)'s malware analysis team, GoSecure's R&D team and Desjardins' threat hunting team. President of JDIS, UdeS' computer science student organization, Émilio likes to make things happen, let it be CTFs, AI competitions, conferences, workshops or making every developer understand that tab is the superior indentation character (work in progress).

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