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August 3-8, 2019
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Marcello Salvati

Marcello Salvati

BlackHills Infosec

Marcello Salvati (@byt3bl33d3r) is a Security Analyst at BlackHills Information Security by day and by night a tool developer who discovered a novel technique to turn tea, sushi, alcohol and dank memes into somewhat functioning code. His passions include anything Active Directory related, trolling people on GitHub and developing open-source tools for the security community at large which he's been doing for the past several years, some of his projects include SilentTrinity, CrackMapExec, DeathStar, RedBaron and many more. He's also really good at writing bios. I know, at this point you're probably asking yourself: " Wait, how good of a bio writer is this guy? I need a quantifiable metric in order to come to a conclusion! The suspense is killing me!". Well John Strand hired him so that he could continue to write them. Yeah… that's how good. Checkmate Atheists! *dab* *mic drop*

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