Fast Chat with

Matthieu Suiche

Leading up to Black Hat USA, hear from Black Hat Review Board Members, Speakers, Trainers and Partners about their contributions to information security and the upcoming Black Hat event.

This week, we chat with Black Hat Review Board Member Matt Suiche about Black Hat Briefings, leading the Malware Track reviews, submitting to CFPs, OPCDE and more. Watch the full interview below:

Upcoming Briefings mentioned in Fast Chat:

Organizations and Resources Mentioned:

Matt Suiche is the founder of Comae Technologies and cyber-security conference OPCDE. Prior to founding Comae, he was the co-founder & Chief Scientist of the application virtualization start-up CloudVolumes which was acquired by VMware in 2014. His also previous employers include the Netherlands Forensics Institute and Airbus.

Matt is best known for his memory forensics works. His most notable research contributions include Windows hibernation file analysis and Mac OS X physical memory analysis.

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