
How Top Cybersecurity Experts Predict Threats and Navigate Risk

Thursday, January 11, 2024

2:00 - 3:00 PM EST

60 minutes, including Q&A

How Top Cybersecurity Experts Predict Threats and Navigate Risk

In an environment fraught with fear, uncertainty, and doubt, how is an organization supposed to separate the signal from the noise and apply their limited resources to what truly matters?

Join us to hear how top cybersecurity experts balance competing messages, along with their own biases, to predict threats, assess risk, and make key decisions about protecting their data.

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Steven Stone

Head of Rubrik Zero Labs


Steven Stone leads Rubrik’s new data threat research unit to uncover real-world intrusions from a range of threats including espionage-based data breaches toransomwareattacks, and to inform customers and partners of the best ways to proactively address risk in their business operations. He has over 15 years of experience in threat intelligence with roles in the U.S. military, intelligence community, and private sector, including Mandiant/FireEye and IBM. Most recently, he was Vice President of Adversary Operations at Mandiant, leading global teams who were responsible for adversary hunting, attribution, and data collection efforts.

Terry Sweeney


Black Hat

Terry Sweeney is a Los Angeles-based writer and editor who's covered business technology for three decades. He's written about cyber security for more than 15 years and was one of the founding editors of Dark Reading. Sweeney has covered enterprise networking extensively, as well as its supporting technologies like storage, wireless, cloud-based apps and the emerging Internet of Things. He's been a contributing editor to The Washington Post, Crain’s New York Business, Red Herring, Information Week, Network World, SearchAWS.com, and Stadium Tech Report.

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