Executive Spotlight Interviews | May 4, 2023

Virtual ARM devices can Enable Security Testing, Vulnerability Research

Anthony Ricco


Q1. What's driving the need for technologies such as the Corellium Virtual Hardware platform? Who is the primary target audience for it?

Smart devices from phones to cameras to cars, run on ARM processors which complicates their software development and testing. While x86-based software has enjoyed the amazing benefits of hardware virtualization technology for decades, IoT devices have not - until now. Enterprises, service providers, government agencies and hardware OEMs leverage Corellium for reimagining their security testing, vulnerability research, and DevSecOps needs.

Q2. How do you see use cases for your technology evolving over the next few years?

Corellium began its journey by providing security researchers with ARM-native virtual iOS and Android devices. Today it has expanded to mobile app pen-testing and malware research for security and developer teams. Over the next few years, Corellium is extending their virtualization platform for the larger world of IoT devices and firmware development.

Q3. What do you want customers at Black Hat Asia 2023 to know about Corellium? What can they expect to see and hear from the company at the event?

Corellium is driven by a passion for creating innovative tools for the security and developer community. We'd love to meet you at Black Hat, share live demos of our current technology, and ideate about possibilities for the future.

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