NBTStatus args - IP addr of target machine IP addr of local interface output - Netbios name table on success error string on failure NTCreateAnonymousConn args - name or IP addr of target machine output - empty set on success error string on failure NTLogon args - target machine name or IP addr username comma delimited list of passwords to try output - set containing password, username, and privilege level on success set containing one string, NOT_IN_LIST, on failure NTDeleteConn args - target machine name or IP addr output - string "Deleted" on success error string on failure NTEnumUsers args - name or IP addr of target machine output - set containing usernames error strong on failure NTEnumGlobalGroups args - name or IP addr of target machine output - set containing global group names error strong on failure NTEnumLocalGroups args - name or IP addr of target machine output - set containing local group names error strong on failure NTLookupAccountSID args - name of machine (NULL for local machine) user RID output - string containing domain and username in DOMAIN\USERNAME format on success error string on failure NTUserGetInfo args - name or IP addr of the target machine username for the target account output - set containing username, password age, privilege level, comment, user flags, logon script path, auth flags, full name, and account parameters on success error string on failure NTGetPasswordPolicy args - name or IP addr of target machine output - password policy parameters NTGetMachineRole NTGetLockoutPolicy args - name or IP addr of target machine output - lockout policy parameters NTGetSAMDomain args - name or IP addr of target machine output - name of domain associated with the SAM of the machine (will the machine name on everything but domain controllers) SID for the domain NTSetRegValue args - name or IP addr of target machine registry key (must be subkey of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) registry value to set (format- ::) output - string confirming value name and data on success error string on failure NTQueryServiceConfig args - name or IP addr of target machine name of service output - set containing the service display name, path to binary, start type, and user account the service is starting under NTEnumServices args - name or IP addr of target machine output - set containing the names of all the running services on success error string on failure