You got that with GOOGLE? by Johnny Long

This presentation explores the explosive growth of a technique known as "Google Hacking". When the modern security landscape includes such heady topics as "blind SQL injection" and "integer overflows", it's refreshing to see such a deceptively simple tool bent to achieve such amazing results; this is hacking in the purest sense of the word. Attendees will learn how to torque Google to detect SQL injection points and login portals, execute portscans and CGI scans, fingerprint web servers, locate incredible information caches such as firewall and IDS logs, password databases, SQL dumps and much more - all without sending a single packet to the target! Borrowing the techniques pioneered by malicious "Google hackers", this talk aims to show security practitioners how to properly protect clients from this often overlooked and dangerous form of information leakage.

The speaker, Johnny Long, maintains the Internet's most comprehensive database of Google exposures on his website.

Event: Black Hat USA 2004

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